13,000 peopleCapital
DollarMap of Nauru

Area in square kilometers
21 km2 Nauru Population
14,019 (220 of 237)
Nauru Area, Sq. Km.
complete Nauru dialing code, you can make your international call.
Nauru telephone code 674 is dialed after the IDD. Nauru
international dialing 674 is followed by an area code.
The Nauru area code table below shows the various city codes for
Nauru. Nauru country codes are followed by these area codes.
After World War I, Nauru became a League of Nations mandate
administered by Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. During
World War II, Nauru was occupied by Japanese troops, who were bypassed
by the Allied advance across the Pacific.
Nauru is the
world's smallest island nation, covering just 21 square kilometres
(8.1 sq mi). With just over 9,265 residents, it is the second
least-populated country after Vatican City.
^ Nauru does not have an official capital, but Yaren is the largest
settlement and the seat of Parliament.
Coordinates: 0°31′38″S 166°56′12″E / 0.527288°S 166.936724°E /
-0.527288; 166.
An enlargeable satellite image of Nauru Main article: Environment of
* Climate of Nauru
* Environmental issues in Nauru
* Ecoregions in Nauru
* Renewable energy in Nauru
The location of Nauru An enlargeable relief map of the Republic of
Nauru See also: Index of Nauru-related articles
The Republic of Nauru is a sovereign island nation located in the
Micronesian South Pacific.
wealth significantly reduced in value, the government of Nauru has
resorted to unusual measures to obtain income. In the 1990s, Nauru
briefly became a tax haven and money laundering center.
* Nauruerin
* nauruisch
Italian Wikipedia has an article on: Nauru
Wikipedia it
Proper noun
Nauruan, the language of Nauru
Republic of Nauru
* Bengali: নাউরু bn(bn)
* Bosnian: Nauru bs(bs) m.
Nauru is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific
Ocean - the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Makatea
in French Polynesia; only 53 km south of Equator
Oceania, island in
Nauru local long form: Republic of Nauru local short form: Nauru
former: Pleasant Island
Government type:
no official capital; government offices in Yaren District time
difference: UTC+12 (17 hours ahead of Washington,
Nauru was occupied by
Australian forces in World War I and subsequently became a League of
Nations mandate. After the Second World War - and a brutal occupation
by Japan - Nauru became a UN trust territory.
Initially inhabited by Micronesian and Polynesian peoples, Nauru was
annexed and designated a colony by Germany in the late 19th century,
and after World War I became a mandate territory administered by
Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
Nauruans are among the most obese people in the world; 90% of adults
have a higher BMI than the world average. Nauru has the world's
highest level of type 2 diabetes, with more than 40% of the population
of Nauru and formerly known as Pleasant Island, is an island nation in
the Micronesian South Pacific. The nearest neighbour is Banaba Island
in the Republic of Kiribati, 300 km due east. Nauru is the world's
smallest island nation, covering just 21 km² (8.1 sq.
acts of the Nauru Parliament and British common law
20 years of age; universal and compulsory
Executive branch:
chief of state: President Ludwig SCOTTY (since 26 October 2004); note
- the president is both the chief of state
More Nauru Information | CIA Factbook | World Atlas Home | Geography
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Nauru's phosphate
Nauru achieved independence in 1968 and joined
the UN in 1999. Nauru is the world's smallest independent republic.
Initially inhabited by Micronesian and Polynesian peoples, Nauru was
annexed and designated a colony by Germany in the late 19th century,
and became a mandate territory administered by Australia, New Zealand,
and the United Kingdom following World War I.
Nauru (pronounced /nɑːˈuːruː/), officially the Republic of Nauru, is
an island nation in the Micronesian South Pacific. The nearest
neighbour is Banaba Island in the Republic of Kiribati, 300 km due
east. Nauru is the world's smallest island nation, covering just 21
km² (8.1 sq.
Nauru achieved independence in 1968.
Nauru is a phosphate rock island, and its primary economic activity
since 1907 has been the export of phosphate mined from the island.
Background Notes on Nauru for additional information.
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are going to live or visit Nauru, please take the time to tell our
Embassy in Fiji, which covers U.S.
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Nauru, a small single-island nation in the South
Pacific, is located about 25 miles south of the equator. It is a
constitutional republic with a parliamentary system of government.
Tourist facilities are available on a limited basis.
NauruCountry Specific Information
* Print
* Email
* Recent Embassy Notices for American Citizens
On this page »
* Country Description
of information on Nauru available in the collection.
Nauruan Government Information
* Government of the Republic of Nauru
* Nauru Bureau of Statistics
Government Information | Articles & Databases | Diplomatic Relations |
Health | Peacekeeping & Military Information | Resources in
Mining of Nauru's phosphate deposits, which occupied about 90% of the
island, began in the early 20th century under a German-British
consortium. During World War I, the island was occupied by Australian
forces and became a dependent territory. Nauru achieved independence
in 1968.
Nauru is a small island in the South Pacific Ocean, south of the
Marshall Islands and is the world's smallest independent republic.
Although other island states may be smaller and/or less populous, they
are all dependent territories of other countries.
the 1980s, phosphate exports briefly gave Nauruans one of
the highest per capita incomes in the Third World. As of 2008, most of
Nauru's revenue comes from the export of phosphate to Australia, South
Korea and New Zealand as well as other countries.
leave Nauru after he was initially refused a protection visa on
the basis of an adverse security assessment issued by the
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO).
Pacific islands Nauru and Banaba Island (Ocean Island) in 1900. He
was the British Phosphate Commissioner for New Zealand from 1921
to 1951.
the Republic of Nauru, having taken office in December 2007.
Nauru is a small Polynesian island, east of New Guinea, whose economy
is based largely upon phosphate. Visited first in 1798, it became a
German colony and was occupied by the Australians in 1914.
Polynesian ancestry, Nauru was explored by the British in 1798 and
became a German protectorate in 1888. Nauru was administered by
Australia from 1914 until it became independent in 1968. The capital
is Yaren. Population: 13,500.
Nauruan Na·u'ru·an adj. & n.
Nauru once had the world's largest concentration
of phosphate, and its economy was based on phosphate mining and
processing; however, the deposits have been depleted, and the economy
has been converting to fishing and other ventures.
Extraordinary Nauru is a tiny island with a big history and even
bigger hospitality.
home2Nauru is located in the deep, blue Pacific Ocean waters north of
the Solomon Islands.
Nauru joins South Pacific Tourism Organisation
Nauru Tourism has made the decision to join South Pacific Tourism
Organisation (SPTO) in an attempt to increase its tourism profile and
benefit from membership of this well-established organisation.
2007 Nauru Tourism, Department of Economic Development
Tel : +674 444 3081 ext. 310 | Fax : +674 444 3891 | nto@cenpac.net.
western Pacific Ocean, Nauru lies 42km (26 miles) south of the
equator. Its nearest neighbour is Ocean Island (Banaba, part of
Kiribati), 305km (190 miles) to the East. It is 4,000km (2,485
miles) from Sydney.
* Nauru is threatened by the greenhouse effect: if global warming
of the earth causes sea levels rise, the habitable low-lying land
areas will be at risk from tidal surges and flooding.
An oval-shaped island lying near the equator, Nauru is the smallest
republic in the world
* Capital: Owing to its small size, Nauru has no capital
* The Republic of Nauru comprises a small oval-shaped island in the
forced 1,200 Nauruans—roughly two-thirds of the population—to
relocate. In 1947, it became a UN trusteeship administered by
Australia. By 1967, the phosphate mining industry was finally under
the control of the islanders, and on Jan.
Map of NauruMap of Nauru
President: Marcus Stephens (2007)
Total area: 8 sq mi (21 sq km)
Population (2010 est.): 14,264 (growth rate: 1.7%); birth rate:
23.5/1000; infant mortality rate: 9.0/1000; life expectancy: 64.
Nauru (pronounced NAH-oo-roo) is an island in the Pacific just south
of the equator, about 2,500 mi (4,023 km) southwest of Honolulu.
Phosphate mining has virtually destroyed the tiny nation's ecology,
turning its tropical vegetation into a barren, rocky wasteland.
on our Nauru Home Page, along with other Web Pages within the
above three Domains, are now available. Potential advertisers are
cordially invited to choose from several thousand Web sites available
for placement of your important advertisements. For further
information, please contact me at:
The indigenous people of Nauru are believed to be of mixed Polynesian,
Melanesian and Micronesian descent, with predominantly Polynesian
characteristics. Their native language is Nauruan, though English is
used for government and commercial purposes.
dancers2.jpg (17933 bytes)
tide, the Republic of Nauru is 12 miles in circumference and just over
eight square miles. Most of the 10,000 population live on the narrow
coastal belt.
Nauru is not the easiest place to visit. Access is subject to the
whims of transport, weather and the immigration department.
Nauru was a nearly failed state with an uncertain future, dependent on
injections of cash from other countries to keep afloat.
Nauruans are doing it tough.
The people of the tiny, potato-shaped Republic of Nauru were once
among the world's richest. Formerly known as Pleasant Island (and now
abbreviated, more prosaically, as RON), Nauru supplied Australia with
abundant fertiliser for almost a century after vast phosphate deposits
were discovered in 1900.
Nauru is the world’s smallest independent republic. Nauru’s extensive
phosphate resources made it one of the wealthiest countries per capita
in the world during the 1970s.
enlarge map Home > Countries > Pacific > Nauruflag of Nauru.
By 2004 Nauru was in severe financial distress and the
Government of Nauru sought assistance from the Pacific Islands Forum.
information about Nauru in its diversity: Nauru's geography, economy,
people, culture, environment, government and history.
You will have access to newspapers from Nauru and you will find travel
and tourism information.
Nauru achieved independence in 1968 and joined the UN in 1999.
Revenues of the island have come from exports of phosphates, but
reserves are nearing exhaustion in 2005.
NAURU, Permanent Mission to the United Nations
Site of Nauru's Permanent Mission to the UN, provides information on
the Mission, Nauru's Foreign Affairs and about Nauru.
Nauru - Legislation
The Constitution of Nauru.
Nauru (pronounced “now-roo”), officially the Republic of Nauru, is a
small, oval-shaped island in the western Pacific Ocean, 26 miles (42
kilometers) south of the equator. Nauru is the world's smallest island
nation, covering just 21 square kilometers (8.
Nauru is a phosphate rock island, and its primary economic activity
since 1907 has been the export of phosphate mined from the island.
Nauru is positioned in the Nauru Basin of the Pacific Ocean. From
about 35 million years ago, a submarine volcano built up over a
hotspot, and formed a 14,100-foot high (4300 meter) basalt seamount.
clans or tribes, early Nauruans traced their descent on the female
side. They believed in a female deity, Eijebong, and a spirit land,
also an island, called Buitani. Two of the 12 original tribal groups
became extinct during the 20th century.
Nauru is a small oval-shaped island in the western Pacific Ocean,
located just 42 kilometers (26 mi.) south of the Equator.
Until recently Nauru's phosphate reserves were thought to be nearly
depleted, but there are some indications that the potential for
continued productive mining might exist.
ancestry, Nauru was explored by the British in 1798 and became a
German protectorate in 1888. Nauru was administered by Australia from
1914 until it became independent in 1968. The capital is Yaren.
Population: 13,500.
Nauru n (Placename) an island republic in the SW Pacific,
west of Kiribati: administered jointly by Australia, New Zealand, and
Britain as a UN trust territory before becoming independent in 1968 as
a special member of the Commonwealth (not represented at meetings of
Commonwealth heads
NauruNauru - an island republic on Nauru Island; phosphate exports
support the economyRepublic of NauruNauru Island, Pleasant Island,
Nauru - a small island in the central Pacific Ocean 2,800 miles to the
southwest of Hawaii; in Micronesia to the west of the Gilbert IslandsNauruan
Nauru is one of the three great phosphate rock islands in the Pacific
Ocean - the others are Banaba (Ocean Island) in Kiribati and Makatea
in French Polynesia; only 53 km south of Equator
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Nauru local long form: Republic of Nauru local short form: Nauru
former: Pleasant Island
Government type:
Field info displayed for all countries in alpha order.
occupied Nauru in World War I; it subsequently became a League of
Nations mandate. After the Second World War - and a brutal occupation
by Japan - Nauru became a UN trust territory.