217,000 peopleCapital
TalaMap of Samoa

Area in square kilometers
2,944 km2 Samoa Population
219,998 (184 of 237)
Samoa Area, Sq. Km.
complete Samoa dialing code, you can make your international call.
Samoa telephone code 685 is dialed after the IDD. Samoa
international dialing 685 is followed by an area code.
The Samoa area code table below shows the various city codes for
Samoa. Samoa country codes are followed by these area codes.
samoa pronunciation /səˈmoʊ ə/ Show Spelled
Show IPA –noun a group of islands in the S Pacific, the
islands W of 170° W longitude constituting an independent state and
the rest belonging to the U.S.
samoaSearch samoa on the WebFormerly, Navigators Islands. Compare
American Samoa, Western Samoa. Dictionary.com Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2011.
SearchesMap of samoaAmerican samoaSamoa tattooMap of samoa islandsHistory
of samoaWestern samoaSamoa flagSamoa newsWestern samoa factsSurvivor
samoaSamoa geographySamoa country informa...
American Samoa is part of the Samoan Islands chain, located west of
the Cook Islands, north of Tonga, and some 300 miles (500 km) south of
Tokelau. To the west are the islands of the Wallis and Futuna group.
Map of Samoa Coastline of American Samoa
American Samoa (/əˈmɛrɨkən səˈmoʊ.
American Samoa is the southernmost territory of the
United States.
* 1 History
* 1.
(English: Samoa is founded on God)
Anthem: The Banner of Freedom
(and largest city)
13°50′S 171°45′W / 13.833°S 171.75°W / -13.833; -171.
formerly known as Western Samoa and German Samoa, is a country
encompassing the western part of the Samoan Islands in the South
Pacific Ocean. It became independent from New Zealand in 1962.
Samoa was admitted to the United Nations on 15 December 1976. The
entire island group, inclusive of American Samoa, was called
Navigators Islands by European explorers before the 20th century
because of the Samoans' seafaring skills.
Samoa is located halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand, in the South
Pacific Ocean and just east of the International Date Line. Two large
islands—Savai'i to the west and Upolu to the east—and several smaller
islands constitute the country.
Samoa Travel Information
Samoa Travel Information Travel Directory, Free Travel Directory, Travel Pages
Samoa Tourism Guide
Travel Pages
* Samoa
Travel Pages Samoa is an online travel guide with all possible travel
related information for travelers and localities seeking travel
information within Samoa.
geography of samoaThe state of Samoa consists of the two large islands
of Upolu and Savai'i and seven small islets located about halfway
between Hawaii and New Zealand in the Polynesian region of the South
Here you will find Samoa maps, locations list and information links.
With comprehensive destination gazetteer, this page enables to explore
Samoa through detailed satellite photos — fast and easy as never
Samoa satellite map sightseeing is here!
the world » oceania » samoa » Samoa maploading...
Click on the map and drag your mouse to move the map around. Changes
also the Latitude/Longitude of the map. (Current place Latitude:
-13.583, Longitude: -172.
( Samoan: "Samoa is founded on God")
Anthem: The Banner of Freedom
Location of Samoa
(and largest city)
Official languages
Samoan, English
Samoa, officially the Independent State of Samoa, is a country
governing the western part of the Samoan Islands archipelago in the
South Pacific Ocean. Previous names were Samoa from 1900 to 1919, and
Western Samoa from 1914 to 1997.
Samoa, was known as Navigators Islands before the 20th century because
of the Samoans' seafaring skills.
Contact with Europeans began in the early 18th century.
Samoa is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. It is part
of the region of the Pacific known as Polynesia. Its population is
around 185,000 but many more Samoans live outside the country,
particularly in New Zealand, Australia and California.
Samoa is about one-half of the way between Hawaii and New Zealand. The
islands have narrow coastal plains with volcanic, rocky, rugged
mountains in the interior. The two main islands are Upolu and Savaii.
Since Samoa has been inhabited for over three thousand years, the
cultivated lands around villages can often seem like deepest, darkest
as Western Samoa or the Republic of Samoa, is an independent nation.
The first Polynesian colonists seem to have reached Samoa from Fiji
around 1000 B.C.
American Samoa has been administered by the United
States since 1899. Pago Pago, on Tutuila, the largest island of the
group, is the capital. Population: 57,700.
Steinberger helped the Samoans draft a constitution but
then installed himself as premier with near-dictatorial powers; he was
deposed and deported by the British in 1876.
Samoa continued to be unstable, with various local factions bidding
for support from the colonial powers.
1914 Western Samoa was occupied by New Zealand, which received it as a
League of Nations mandate in 1920. After World War II it became a UN
trust territory administered by New Zealand. It achieved independence
in 1962.
Western Samoa is a group of mountainous South Pacific islands with a
population of about 165, 000. Since 1962 they have been formed into an
independent nation and joined the Commonwealth in 1970.
Samoa is part of the
Samoan archipelago and consists of two major islands, Upolu and
Savai'i, both of which are volcanic. There are also seven small
islands, two of which, Apolima and Manono, are inhabited.
1st January 1962 (Western) Samoa became independent from New Zealand
administered UN trusteeship. The Independent State of Samoa celebrates
Independence on 1st June every year.
Samoa’s court system consists of two District courts and a Supreme
Court manned by six local judges, and an Appeal Court that sits once
or twice a year and is overseen by overseas judges.
dances, Samoa is a major ecotourism destination with plenty of little
family-owned resorts, offering a truly exotic holiday experience.
Samoa Travel Information
en españolen français Find travel destinations > Oceania > Samoa
The South Pacific island nation of Samoa charms with its excellent
beaches and surfing, coral reefs with diving and snorkeling, volcanic
Western Samoa - consists of the western part of Samoan archipelago
(the eastern part is American Samoa). The two volcanic main islands of
Samoa are called Upolu and Savai'i.
Map of Western SamoaMap of Samoa
Independent State of Samoa
Head of State: Tuiatua Tupua Tamasese Efi (since 20 June 2007)
Prime Minister: Tuilaepa Sailele Malielegaoi (1998)
Land area: 1,100 sq mi (2,849 sq km); total area: 1,137 sq
Samoa, formerly Western Samoa, is in the South Pacific Ocean about
2,200 mi (3,540 km) south of Hawaii. The larger islands in the Samoan
chain, Upolu and Savai'i, are mountainous and of volcanic origin.
Samoa was explored by Dutch and French traders in the
18th century. Toward the end of the 19th century, conflicting
interests of the U.S., Britain, and Germany resulted in an 1899 treaty
that recognized the paramount interests of the U.S.
also famously hospitable: Samoans are rarely short of a toothy grin, a
flap of the hand or a friendly comment where outsiders are concerned.
Samoa has some of the most beautiful and enticing islandscapes in the
South Pacific.
Samoans are never in much of a hurry to do anything, a
trait which tends to incite culture shock and a mild, temporary panic
in visitors who have arrived from schedule-centric, clock-watching
Before World War I (Western) Samoa was a German protectorate, occupied
by New Zealand in 1914. In 1962 Samoa became the first Polynesian
nation to reestablish independence in the 20th century.
Destination Samoa, a virtual travel guide to the islands of Samoa:
Upolu and Savai'i. This page aims to give you a broad overview of
Samoa's art, culture, people, environment, geography, history, economy
and government.
The Polynesian group of islands known as Samoa consists of two main
islands Upolu and Savai'i and seven smaller islets. Upolu is home to
nearly three-quarters of Samoa's population.
In the time of 1000 B.C.
Samoa is located east of the International Date Line and south of the
Equator, about halfway between Hawaii and New Zealand.
Samoa, is part of an archipelago in the South Pacific Ocean formerly
known as the Navigators' Islands — a reference to Samoan seafaring
Samoa, which is about 80 kilometers (50 miles) to the southeast.
Samoan people tend to be friendly and welcoming, and live in a family
centered and deeply Christian culture.
Samoa is made up of nine islands, of which Upolu is the most
populated, hosting the capital city of Apia.
Cycling Samoa
Biking provides a closer and more intimate view of the Samoan
landscape and village life.
The Miss Samoa Pageant is an annual event at the national level which
is devoted to advancing and supporting opportunities for young Samoan
ladies. The fundamental nature of the Pageant is to recognize the
various attributes that define the Samoan lady of today.
in Samoa, Zoom is a modern, next generation internet service
read more ...
SLAC building, Apia Samoa
Email: helpdesk@samoa.ws
Phone: (+685) 20926
© 2009 www.samoa.ws. All rights reserved.
Samoa offers a large variety of landscapes and attractions which are
packed into a small area of islands. Samoa is one of the least
expensive countries in the South Pacific.
Talofa ! and Welcome to Samoa, The “Treasured Islands” of the South
Come explore and experience the islands that are rich in traditional
culture, lush green rainforest, pristine beaches and home to the
friendliest people in the South Pacific.
The islands of Samoa lie two-thirds of the way between Hawaii to New
Zealand in the very heart of the South Pacific islands. Samoa is
situated between Samoaand the Samoa and north of Samoa.
Samoan players perform celebratory dance after winning rugby match in Hong Kong, April 1, 2007.
Samoan players perform celebratory dance after winning rugby match in
Hong Kong, April 1, 2007.
Stay Connected with State.
Samoan, despite remnants of Chinese names and features.
Religion: Christian 98.9%.
Languages: Samoan, English.
Education: Literacy-98.6%.
Health: Life expectancy-male 66 yrs.; female 70. Infant mortality
Work force: Agriculture-2%; services-50%.
The Independent State of Samoa includes the western end of the Samoan
islands, consisting of the two large islands of Upolu and Savai'i and
seven small islets. The island group is located about halfway between
Hawaii and New Zealand in the Polynesian region of the South Pacific.
a sovereign nation, and American Samoa, a territory of the United
States. The islands were originally populated by Polynesians perhaps
as early as 1000 b.c. and were first sighted by European explorers in
1722. Dual administration of the archipelago was established by treaty
in 1899.
archipelago of the Samoa Islands: established as a League of Nations
mandate under New Zealand administration in 1920 and a UN trusteeship
in 1946; gained independence as Western Samoa in 1962 as the first
fully independent Polynesian state; officially changed its name to
called Samoa Islands a group of islands in the S Pacific, northeast of
Fiji: an independent kingdom until the mid 19th century, when it was
divided administratively into American Samoa (in the east) and German
Samoa (in the west); the latter was mandated to New Zealand in
COUNTRY DESCRIPTION: Samoa consists of the two large islands of Upolu
and Savai’i and seven small islets located about halfway between
Hawaii and New Zealand in the Polynesian region of the South Pacific.
Please read the Department of State’s Background Notes on Samoa for
additional information.
SamoaCountry Specific Information
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* Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)/Embassy Location
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